Where to start in developing Jalview?

After extracting the 11M zip file, there are a lot of directories and I can’t find any developer guide. Any suggestions on relevant resources?

Hello Ross.

Ross KK Leung wrote:

After extracting the 11M zip file, there are a lot of directories and I
can’t find any developer guide. Any suggestions on relevant resources?

The set of directories created from the tarball follow a fairly standard
java project structure. 'doc' contains a small amount of development
documentation, 'src' contains the java source, lib contains dependent
libraries, resources contains additional data needed for jalview, doc
contains basic documentation. You will also need 'ant' to build the
source using the build.xml file (unless you use a development
environment that automatically compiles projects, in which case you need
to set the classpath to include the jars in the lib directory).

Have a look at this post regarding setting up netbeans or eclipse for
developing with the source code.


There are no official jalview development notes at the moment, but there
is a reasonable amount of source documentation (most of which is reliable!).

Hope this helps!


J. B. Procter (ENFIN/VAMSAS) Barton Bioinformatics Research Group
Phone/Fax:+44(0)1382 388734/345764 http://www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk
The University of Dundee is a Scottish Registered Charity, No. SC015096.