Web services connection problem

This could be a proxy problem. Could you check you can open the jabaws web page in your browser, and verify the proxy settings in Jalview’s preferences (remember to press ok then close and restart Jalview if you change them).


J. B. Procter Jalview/enfin Barton group


-----Original Message-----
From: Aurore VAITINADAPOULE a.vaitinadapoule@gmail.com
To: jprocter@compbio.dundee.ac.uk
Sent: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 7:09
Subject: Re: [Jalview-discuss] Web services connection problem

Dear Jim Proter,

I’m trying to use jalview 2.8 but I have the same problem that Ganesh. http://www.mail-archive.com/jalview-discuss@jalview.org/msg00193.html

I have tried everything that you suggested to him, but I still have this connection problem.

Please found here the results from java console, when I’m trying to refresh the web connection service.

Can you please help me?

Hi Aurore.

This could be a proxy problem. Could you check you can open the jabaws web page in your browser, and verify the proxy settings in Jalview's preferences (remember to press ok then close and restart Jalview if you change them).

I did a bit more digging - it should be possible for you to launch jalview with the standard webstart launch link, but you may have to experiment with your system or java webstart proxy settings .. since the 'error 407' suggests you need to enter a username and password to allow jalview to access the internet.

The system proxy settings are under the 'Proxy' tab in the Advanced settings dialog opened by pressing the 'Advanced ...' button in the Network configuration panel. To make sure Java uses these settings, take a look in the proxy settings dialog opened by pressing 'Network Settings ...' in the 'network' panel of your java preferences (opened from the Java Preferences app in the 'Utilities' folder, or by running javaws -viewer and closing the webstart application cache view that will then open).

Sorry I can't be of more help - authenticated proxies can be a bit tricky ...


On 19/11/2012 07:52, jprocter@compbio.dundee.ac.uk wrote: