Suzanne is the new Jalview outreach officer


Dr Suzanne Duce joined Team Jalview at the start of February as training and outreach officer to support Jalview users by developing training materials, running workshops and extending the on-line presence of Jalview and the other Dundee Protein Resource services such as Jabaws, Jpred, Kinomer and Taro.

After a first degree in Chemistry at the University of Southampton, Suzanne worked at the Institute of Food Research (Norwich) before study for a PhD in MRI at the University of Cambridge. She has been awarded a Herchel Smith PhD Fellowhip from University of Cambridge and also a Career Re-entry Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust. She has published over 30 scientific research papers, 19 as principle author. Several of Suzanne’s MRI images have been published in textbooks, displayed in exhibitions and archived in the Wellcome Images collection.