Jalview requesting SmarterJmolAdapter.class

Hi all!

I load jalview 2.7 as applet to edit/view an alignment. Code being:

<applet code="jalview.bin.JalviewLite" archive="[http://domain.com/media/jalviewApplet.2.7.jar](http://domain.com/media/jalviewApplet.2.7.jar)" width="800" height="200" name="alignment" >
  <param name="file" value="[http://domain.com/path/to/file/alignment.pir](http://domain.com/path/to/file/alignment.pir)" />
  <param name="defaultColour" value="% Identity" />
  <param name="showAnnotation" value="false" />
  <param name="embedded" value="true" />

Applet works like a charm, but in the server logs I keep receiving a GET request for:

“GET /path/org/jmol/adapter/smarter/SmarterJmolAdapter.class HTTP/1.1” 404 7120

¿What’s that and why is jalview requesting a Jmol class? ¿How can I solve this issue?


Hello Xabier.

I load jalview 2.7 as applet to edit/view an alignment. Code being:
<applet code="jalview.bin.JalviewLite"archive="http://domain.com/media/jalviewApplet.2.7.jar&quot;width=&quot;800&quot;height=&quot;200&quot;name=&quot;alignment&quot;&gt;
   <param name="file"value="http://domain.com/path/to/file/alignment.pir&quot;/&gt;
   <param name="defaultColour"value="% Identity"/>
   <param name="showAnnotation"value="false"/>
   <param name="embedded"value="true"/>
Applet works like a charm, but in the server logs I keep receiving a GET request for:

"GET /path/org/jmol/adapter/smarter/SmarterJmolAdapter.class HTTP/1.1" 404 7120

¿What's that and why is jalview requesting a Jmol class? ¿How can I solve this issue?

JalviewLite detects whether Jmol is on the classpath by attempting to initialise this Jmol class and since the page's URL is automatically added to the JalviewLite applet's classpath, the browser attempts to fetch the class file directly.

You can (probably) disable the check with the 'nojmol' parameter (see http://www.jalview.org/examples/appletParameters.html).



On 02/12/2011 10:32, Xabier Bello wrote: