Jalview 2.2

Hello to all Jalview users,

Jalview 2.2 is now available for download from http://www.jalview.org

Jalview 2.2 has had several optimizations made to the code to allow usable editing and hiding of sequences of large alignments (~5000 protein sequences). Also the undo/redo system has been reimplemented to be much more memory efficient than previous Jalview releases.

New features include:

    * Multiple views on alignment
    * Sequence feature editing
    * "Reload" alignment
    * "Save" to current filename
    * Background dependent text colour
    * Right align sequence ids
    * User-defined lower case residue colours
    * Format Menu
    * Select Menu
    * Menu item accelerator keys
    * Control-V pastes to current alignment
    * Cancel button for DAS Feature Fetching
    * PCA and PDB Viewers zoom via mouse roller
    * User-defined sub-tree colours and sub-tree selection
    * 'New Window' button on the 'Output to Text box'

Features resolved:

    * New memory efficient Undo/Redo System
    * Optimised symbol lookups and conservation/consensus calculations
    * Region Conservation/Consensus recalculated after edits
    * Fixed Remove Empty Columns Bug (empty columns at end of alignment)
    * Slowed DAS Feature Fetching for increased robustness.
    * Made angle brackets in ASCII feature descriptions display correctly
    * Re-instated Zoom function for PCA
    * Sequence descriptions conserved in web service analysis results
    * Uniprot ID discoverer uses any word separated by '∣'
    * WsDbFetch query/result association resolved
    * Tree leaf to sequence mapping improved
    * Smooth fonts switch moved to FontChooser dialog box.