Jalview now available !

The Jalview team are pleased to announce that the long awaited Jalview 2.11.2 release series is finally ready.

Although technically a minor release, this new version includes a substantial number of bug fixes, and introduces support for two of the most popular 3D structure visualisation tools: ChimeraX (at least version 1.3) and Pymol (at least version 2.5.0 community edition). It can also discover protein structure models via the 3D-Beacons network, allowing Jalview users access to structure predictions from Swiss-model and the EBI’s Alphafold database (Orengo et al. 2020, doi:10.12688/f1000research.20559.1).

Updated Native Platform Installer
As usual, Jalview Desktop installations will automatically download version from the latest release channel, but we recommend you consider upgrading your installation by downloading a new installer for your platform. The latest Jalview Desktop installation includes improved support for working with web proxies, better OS integration, and a new command line wrapper that makes it easier to call jalview from scripts.

The latest installers are available via the download page. For more details, view the Jalview release notes.

As usual, please let us know if you experience problems, have suggestions, or would like to help out in any way…

Happy Jalviewing !
Jim, Ben, Mateusz, Suzanne and Geoff.