Dear Jalviewers
Jalview 2.10.5 is now available from
Version 2.10.5 is a minor release that includes critical patches for users working with Ensembl, RNA secondary structure annotation, and those running Jalview on OSX with Java 10. The highlights are:
- Jalview’s default memory limit increased to 1G. If you have problems starting Jalview 2.10.5 and you have 1G or less physical memory on your machine, you will need to reduce the memory allocated to Jalview.
- EPS, PNG and SVG export now includes hidden sequence markers, and representative sequences are marked in bold.
- Ensembl Client updated for Ensembl Rest API v7.
- Improved support for VIENNA extended dot-bracket notation for RNA secondary structure
- Positional and selected region highlighting in VARNA ‘trimmed sequence’ view now more reliable
- Fix for bug affecting OSX users with Java 10 that prevents files being saved correctly through the ‘Save As’ dialog box.
The majority of bug fixes and improvements in 2.10.5 are due to Jalview users contacting us via the jalview-discuss email list. Thanks to everyone who took the time to help make Jalview better !
Happy Jalviewing
Jim, Ben, Mungo, Suzanne and Geoff.
Dr JB Procter, Jalview Coordinator, The Barton Group
Division of Computational Biology, School of Life Sciences
University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 5EH, UK.
+44 1382 388734 | []( | [](