Jalview 2.10.3b1 release: patches critical bugs for 2.10.3

Dear Jalview-Announce!

We are pleased to announce the first Jalview release of 2018!

Jalview 2.10.3b1 is a bugfix release. It includes improvements to the
web client for EnsemblGenomes, and fixes the following bugs:

in the Jalview Desktop have also been fixed:

  * Only one structure is loaded when several sequences and structures
    are selected for viewing/superposing
  * Alignment doesn't appear to scroll vertically via trackpad and
  * Jalview hangs if up/down arrows pressed in cursor mode when cursor
    lies in hidden region at start of alignment
  * Helix annotation has 'notches' when scrolled into view if columns
    are hidden
  * Annotation column filter can be slow to reset (ie after hitting
    cancel) for large numbers of hidden columns
  * User preference for disabling inclusion of sequence limits when
    exporting as flat file has no effect

Jalview can be launched via Java Webstart (for anyone with an up to date
java installation), downloaded as a locally installable package, and as
a source tarball. You can also install Jalview on the command-line
viaBioconda (https://bioconda.github.io/). As usual, if you experience
any problems, please submit a bug report at issues.jalview.org, join and
email our discussion list, or tweet us @Jalview !

Happy Jalviewing,

Jim, Mungo, Kira, Koen, Suzanne and Geoff.

PS. We also have a new Open Source codesigning certificate. This means
webstart users will once again be prompted to accept software signed by
"Open Source Developer, JAMES PROCTER", which is issued by Certum.pl.



Dr JB Procter, Jalview Coordinator, The Barton Group
Division of Computational Biology, School of Life Sciences
University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 5EH, UK.
+44 1382 388734 | www.jalview.org | www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk