Jalview 2.10.2 released: faster PCAs, better overview, and much more

Dear Jalview-Announce!

We are very pleased to announce that Jalview 2.10.2 is now available on
the website. Whilst this is technically only a minor release, it
includes 9-months worth of bug fixes, significant speedups -
particularly when calculating PCAs, and several important new features
including the ability to exclude hidden regions from the overview window.

Take a look at the full release announcement below:

Happy Jalviewing!
Jim, Kira, Mungo, Charles, Suzanne, and Geoff.

PS. For those of you already on Java 9, this release of Jalview should
work fine when launched via webstart on Java 9+181 on both OSX and Linux
(Ubuntu). If you need a local installation then for now, please use the
'With VM' installer for your operating system or ask us for help!



Dr JB Procter, Jalview Coordinator, The Barton Group
Division of Computational Biology, School of Life Sciences
University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 5EH, UK.
+44 1382 388734 | www.jalview.org | www.compbio.dundee.ac.uk