groovy: documented examples are unavailable as 403/Forbidden

The documentation for The Groovy Shell reads:

The examples are also available at

However this URL is 403 / Forbidden.

Where can I get good examples?

edit: further sleuthing finds them here. Perhaps the docs should point here as well???

Hi Malcolm,

Thanks for pointing out that dead link. We should a) fix the link and/or b) get the examples back onto the main website and if not in the same place, at least redirect from that link. Well done finding the files elsewhere in the repository.


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Hi @malcook

We’ll fix up that documentation and link ASAP - perhaps with the forthcoming Jalview 2.11.3 release.

Also, just to provide a little bit of background to @ben_soares response: we dropped the directory which we used to demonstrated the web based JalviewLite examples pages when we migrated to the new website. We hope to bring it back later this year when we release JalviewJS 2.12, which rescues functionality provided by the original jalviewLite applet.

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