A Jalview file I created in an earlier version of Jalview no longer loads

Dear Jalview administrator,

I just upgraded from Jalview 2.7 to Jalview 2.8 and a Jalview file I created earlier this month in 2.7 no longer loads in 2.8.

I have attached the file and console error text.

I hope you can be of help to solve this.

Many thanks,
Boris Rodenko

Console Text of Error_JalView2_8.rtf (10.4 KB)

ATT00001.htm (216 Bytes)

Kinetoplast MGMT alignments.jar (146 Bytes)

ATT00002.htm (216 Bytes)

I just upgraded from Jalview 2.7 to Jalview 2.8 and a Jalview file I created earlier this month in 2.7 no longer loads in 2.8.

It looks like Jalview 2.7 didn’t save this file properly - since there is no data contained in the file (if you open the file up in an archive program, you’ll see that the .xml file contained in the archive is 0 bytes in length).

Sorry about this - but there isn’t anything I can do!


Hello Boris.

On 30/01/2013 11:16, Boris Rodenko wrote: